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1. General

Welcome to the TOTEME loyalty program for Toteme AB a Swedish company with registration number 556951-0182, hereinafter called the “TOTEME Loyalty Program”.

By signing up and becoming a member you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions for the TOTEME Loyalty Program, hereinafter called the “Terms and Conditions”. TOTEME shall provide you with the membership services and advantages described in the Terms and Conditions.

Please note that the membership is completely voluntary and is not a requirement for purchasing TOTEME’s goods, and that you may terminate the membership at any time. Also, the membership is free of charge.

When shopping in our physical stores or online, the purchases will be logged to your email address registered when signing up for the TOTEME Loyalty Program through our Mobile App (available in Apple Store and Android). Please note that you may be required to show your Mobile App TOTEME Profile when you purchase in-store before payment. All transactions will be shown in both:


TOTEME Mobile App > My profile 

2. Loyalty Program requirements and limitations

• The membership is personal and will be registered on your email address when you sign up on our website or in one of our physical stores. Only individuals may become members, not companies or other similar entities.

• You as a member is responsible to keep your contact details, including e-mail, up to date.

• To become a member, you must be at least 16 years old. If you are under 18 years, we require that you inform and get your parents’ or guardians’ consent before signing up for a membership. By submitting your membership application, you confirm that you are at least 16 years old and have your guardians’ consent if you are under 18 years.

3. Loyalty Program services and advantages

There are four different tiers of membership:

No. 3

No. 2

No. 1 


The tier threshold relates to the monetary value we use to define the four TOTEME Loyalty Program tiers. Value can only be earned on eligible purchases (meaning purchases that are not returned, cancelled or otherwise nullified).

Your tier is determined by your spend in the last 12 months. As soon as your spend qualifies you for a higher tier you will be upgraded. This means that you can be upgraded during a 12-month period you may even be upgrade more than once during a 12-month period. Each upgrade will start a new 12-month period. Unless you are upgraded you will remain in a tier for at least 12 months.

If you are a Newsletter Club Member when signing up for the TOTEME Loyalty Program your spend in the last 12 months before joining the TOTEME Loyalty Program will determine your starting tier.

At the end of a 12-month period if your spend does not qualify you for an upgrade you will either remain in your current tier or be downgraded to a lower tier depending on your spend.

You spend will be calculated depending in SEK if you use the Swedish website/app or shop in a store in Sweden in EUR if you use the international website/app or shop in a store outside Sweden/US and USD if you use the US website/app or shop in a store in the US. If you make a purchase a currency different from your home currency these transactions will be manually imported at the end och each month.

All members will have the opportunity to enjoy special services which may include access to curated- editorial content, tailor brand communications depending on requested preferences, shop LP products exclusives and reserve and book in-store experiences.

If you are upgraded to a higher tier you will receive additional services which may include priority access to new products and launches, faster deliveries, connect with our dedicated in-store and CX team through virtual sessions, join exclusive brand events and selected happenings etc.

TOTEME reserves the right to amend the criteria for when you are upgraded (or downgraded) to a different tier and the services related to each tier (including the basic tier).

4. Loyalty Program Communications 

In order to offer a personalized customer experience, all members will in the future be enabled to set preferences of the TOTEME Loyalty Program communications via our Mobile App and adjust their settings to start receiving broadcast push-in notifications or/and automated push-in notifications after signing up.

5. Unsubscribe from send-outs

If you no longer wish to receive marketing communication from us, you can always follow the unsubscribe link in the email or text message or log in to your account and change your preference settings. Of course, you can also contact us at

6. Processing of personal data

Our processing of your personal data as a member of the TOTEME Loyalty Program for the purpose of providing the services included in the TOTEME Loyalty Program and for other relevant purposes is described in our Privacy Policy. Some of your personal data is collected through cookies. Read our privacy policy and our cookie policy.

7. Termination

Your membership is valid until further notice. However, if you have not made any purchases, logged in to your account or used any of our services during 48 consecutive months, your membership will be automatically cancelled and your personal data will be deleted in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Please note that you can also cancel your membership at any time and for no reason by contacting

TOTEME reserves the right to cancel your membership at any time if we suspect the membership is being abused or if you breach the Terms and Conditions.

8. Changes in the terms and conditions

TOTEME reserves the rights to amend the Terms and Conditions. We will notify you 30 days in advance of any changes and then you may cancel your membership if you do not accept the changes.  

9. Limitation of liability

TOTEME will not be liable for any system failure or malfunction of the TOTEME Loyalty Program or any consequences thereof. TOTEME accepts no liability for any loss or damages arising from suspension, variation, or termination or in any other way relating to the TOTEME Loyalty Program, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Sweden, without regards to any rules or principles on conflicts of laws. However, if you are resident in another country than Sweden the Terms and Conditions can be subject to mandatory consumer protection laws and regulations in force in the country of residence which may provide you with additional rights. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising from or relating to the Terms and Conditions or your membership shall be resolved by the applicable courts in Sweden, unless otherwise stipulated in applicable mandatory laws of your country of residence.

If you have any complaints and are not satisfied with TOTEME’s handling of your matter you can always file a complaint with the European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform in order to find a solution. The platform is provided by the European Commission to make online shopping safer and fairer through access to quality dispute resolution tools.

You find the ODR platform here.

11. Questions and Contact information

If you have any questions about the TOTEME Loyalty Program, please contact us at:

Mail address: Engelbrektsgatan 5, 114 32 Stockholm

Visiting address: Engelbrektsgatan 5, 114 32 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 20 38 2


Version 1, last date for modification: December 29, 2022